Tuesday, November 10, 2020

11 - 10 - 20 An awesome day, mild and beautiful in midtown, where I photographed Shawna, who is non-binary and Hijra who identities as a transwoman. It was great for me to be able to photograph both, during Covid-19 and we all did our social distancing and worn masks when walking to another area to do photos. Both were comfortable doing the photos and never complained about any of my directions. Shawna who is wearing a furry hat told me, "my choice to be recongnized as legally non-binary came from a perference to not be referred to by my gender. I favor ambiguity. This is my own activism against genderist, agist and racist cultures. I don't think these things should matter at the heart of getting to know someone, it's also a measure to diffuse sexual tension since I am a practicing asxual. When I identigy with female pronouns it's with a non-gender body with feminine vestments. Who I am is a blank non-binary space of the raw angelic human. Hijra is originally from India and identifies as a woman. "I am in a closet, am trapped in the wrong body and I identify as a trans woman, M2F a "Hijra".